Sunday 8 July 2018

Soap and Glory Review

Hey guys, so this is going to hopefully be the first of many reviews I do. So to kick everything of I wanted to started with one of my new favorites, so for the past month I have been using the Soap and Glory, Peaches and Clean, Cleansing Milk. 
Here what I thought 
Their Logo 

So to start of with this cleansing milk has an amazing smell it actually smells like peaches, with smell that's one of the first things I look for when it comes to a face wash or anything for that matter when I am going to put it on my face or body. 
So let's get the the actual product this cost me £8.00 which is quite expensive but this is most defiantly worth the money. It has a really smooth and thick texture which is really good when it comes to my skin because it is very dry and oily at the same time. 
Now some of the Soap and Glory products aren't safe for dry skin which is something to note if you do have dry skin. But I find with this product if you add a light moisturizer then it is perfectly fine and doesn't effect my skin. 
Another reason i love this product is because of it being a make-up removing milk i have tried multiply products that claim to get rid of your make-up but they don't however with this product it really does.
In conclusion if you want a thick and moisturizing cleansing milk that smells amazing and is perfect for removing make-up then this is perfect for you.

Cleansing Milk

One thing I forgot to say that this is not a sponsor to try and promote this product this is my personal opinion on it I would tell you at the beginning if is was 

Saturday 30 June 2018


Many people fear not fitting in weather that is in school or just in life. Well here are some of the most helpful things/tips i have learnt over the years


  1. Never let anyone drag you down, everyone you know will have a opinion on something in your life and you should never listen to them. The only person thoughts and opinions who matter is YOURS.
  2. Wear what you feel confident in, don't wear something that isn't you out because that can knock your confidences even more.
  3. Learn how to love your body. I know this can be hard but i find that meditation and writing a diary can help a lot, because you can see what you need to work on when you have written it down and then it is so much easier to work on those problems.
  4. Workout, I know this is like the third point but working out can build your confidence up because you know you are working hard but at the same time you don't have to change.
  5. NEVER, change yourself because of a boy/girl. they should learn to love you for you not someone you are not.